Deal: Atmospheric Collection by Rast Sound 75% OFF

For just $59 (instead of $224), get the Atmospheric Collection from Rast Sound!


The Atmospheric Collection includes 3 unique ambient, cinematic engines: Cinescapes PRO, Sounds of Mars & Deep Element. These 3 must-have atmosphere creation engines are this year’s best pick for all things atmospheres and this truly is an insane deal.
Cinescapes PRO is a smart ambient music maker, just select an emotion and a key, then click play, the engine will create an ever evolving ambient music from endless possibilities.
Sounds of Mars is designed by 20+ sound designers and comes with an engine which can play itself.
Deep Element is reflecting on beauty of minimal, deep, calm with a touch of melancholy. Inspired by names like Nils Frahm, Olafur Arnalds & Kiasmos, a unique library for you to go deep.
Originally $224, the atmospheric collection is now available for just $59 for a limited time only – you save $165! This is an amazing offer you should not miss!

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