Deal: Vertigo by discoDSP 78% off

“Vertigo” is an additive synthesizer for VST/VST3/AAX/Audio Unit hosts featuring 256 partials, re-synthesis and morphing with very high sound quality and built-in effects.

Additive Synthesizer With Audio & Bitmap Resynthesis Capabilities
With high sound quality and built-in effects, the standout features of “Vertigo” include:

64-bit AAX / Audio Units / VST / VST3 / Standalone
Scalable HiDPI Retina GUI
256 oscillators
2 morphable layers
Dual filters / serial / parallel
Formant filter
Fast Fourier Transform audio view
8 effects

[pricing_table columns=”3″]
[pricing_table_column title=”Original price:” price=€69]
[pricing_table_column featured=”true” title=”Your deal price:” price=€15]
[pricing_table_column title=”You will save:” price= €54 (78%)]
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