Emvoice released Emvoice One vocal synthesizer

Emvoice released Emvoice One, a new vocal synthesizer.

Usually, vocal synthesis requires complex synthesis and modelling algorithms that run on your host computer. The results can be impressive, but this technology has not yet reached a level of realism, and has been stagnating for some time.

Emvoice takes a different approach. We’ve broken sung vocals down to the granular level, recording the elements that make up individual phonemes at multiple pitches. Thousands of samples are reconstructed by a sophisticated cloud-based engine that returns the complete vocal to your system over the internet. What you’re hearing when you listen to Emvoice One isn’t artificial – it’s a real singer’s voice interpreting your own words.

The Emvoice One plugin makes it easy to program notes and tie words to them, and the Emvoice Engine does the hard work behind the scenes to recombine phonemes… but there’s one more layer to how Emvoice works. The dictionary translates English-language words into phonemes to more easily speak to the Engine, and also offers multiple pronunciation options for some words, as well as the ability to add your own. Of course, you can skip the middle man and directly type English phonemes into Emvoice One’s text boxes, should you wish.

Meet Lucy: a Real Singer in your DAW – Emvoice One (VST/AU)

Emvoice One Explained 1 – The Basics: Notes, Lyrics and Glides

BASIC – FREE // Use the plugin and access our vocal engine for free, Demo limited to seven notes
FULL – US$200 + VAT // Use the vocal engine across the entire range (E2 to A4)

More info here: Emvoice | Emvoice One