FREE DOWNLOAD: The Modernist Collection – Kalimba & Glockenspiel by Channel Robot

For a limited time, get Kalimba and Glockenspiel, 2 of the 6 instruments that make up the Modernist Collection from Channel Robot! These two standalone instruments (also come with VST and AU instruments) have been carefully sampled by the Channel Robot team, each with a classic articulation and then added three additional sample sets that use innovative different approaches to playing the instrument, such as rubber mallets, felt-covered mallets and brushes.

Simplicity and ease of use were the main guides for this collection. Everything is laid out in a single page, all controls clear and simple to use. Originally $39, you can now get Kalimba and Glockenspiel FREE for just a few days, don’t be late to the party!

Everything is laid out in a single page, all controls clear and simple to use.
Each instrument comes with a range presets to get you started
Warmth and colour controls to allow colouration of the final output
Mac and Windows compatible
Standalone, VST, AU

Audio Plugin Deals – Channel Robot