Get T-RackS 5 Quad Comp for free by IK Multimedia – for a limited time only

IK Multimedia is spending their plugin T-RackS 5 Quad Comp for free – but it’s only available till 14th Februar 2019.

Quad Comp is a multiband processor that incorporates up to four fully featured compressors of the Opto type, each one operating on a separate, user-definable frequency band.

The use of this processor is very wide: combining gain reduction with frequency control it can practically act like a “dynamic EQ” as the gain reduction applied on each band depends on whether the level for that frequency exceeds the set threshold.

Most of the times it sits on the stereo master bus of a mix where there is the need to control and even out possible problems with certain frequencies in selected spots of the program; it’s also very useful on many other single tracks where frequency content can vary drastically over time and may need to be under control, like vocals or bass.

IK Multimedia – Quad Comp