Hora Music released Modulations and VCOs-VCFs-VCAs modules for VCV Rack

Hora Music released Modulation and VCO-VCF-VCA, 2 new software modules for VCV Rack.

This plugins will contain all modulation sources. On V0.6, it contains twin quartet and relief, a dual quadratic LFO (free) and a complex envelope generator (commercial).
Twin quartet is pretty usefull for rotary effects, shepard tone, stereo effects,…
The complex envelope can be used for bouncy effects, complex synth pacth triggering, delay (on trigger signals), level detector,…

This plugin is made of three main modules wich generaly form the sound path of synthesizers: the VCO, the VCF and the VCA.
“Pure” (VCO), “timbre” (VCF) and “amplitude” (VCA, mixer, inverter, attennuator, VC polariser…) are the firsts modules of this plugin
that will be fill with some others module.

Design philosophy:
– Make modules that used original algorythms, differents from the VCV fundamentals series
– Develop modules using “vult” (not same algorythms than used for the vult modules).
– Create modules different from classical VCA, basic waveforms VCO,…that offer special features inspired by west coast synthesis or
actual eurorack “exotic” modules.

More info here: Hora Music