Keith McMillen launched BopPad – Smart Fabric Drum Pad on Kickstarter

Keith McMillen announced the launch of a Kickstarter campain to found BopPad, a Smart Fabric Drum Pad.

“The BopPad is the ultimate MIDI drum pad controller, providing a thrilling amount of sensitivity, control, and flexibility, whether playing with hands, fingers, sticks, or mallets… KMI has two successful Kickstarter campaigns under its collective belt, and we’ve learned a lot of important lessons about timely delivery and how to be successful in our projects; there really is no better way for a small company with a good idea to get the awareness, feedback, and support it needs to bring it to the real world.”
– Keith McMillen, 2016

BopPad – Expressive Smart Drum Pad

BopPad is the expressive electronic drum pad for drummers, percussionists and producers. BopPad gives you accurate hit detection (2.4 millisecond latency), velocity, continuous radius and pressure. Four independently programmable zones output MIDI notes, velocity, pitch bend, pressure and location CCs.

Explore and support the Kickstarter campaign for Keith McMillen Instruments’ BopPad project here:

For more in-depth information, please visit KMI Labs’ BopPad project webpage here: