Mastrcode Music releases T-Force Trance Gate 2

Get the new VST plugin T-Force Trance Gate 2 by Mastrcode Music.

With a new update of the VST plugin T-Force Trance Gate 2, the issue of the 64 bit version in the preset manager will be done.
64 bit version now uses a new preset manager which will be compatible to the later coming 64 bit VST3 version .vstpreset system.

The factory presets of the 64 bit VST2 version now are saved under the category “Factory”. Custom presets saved by the user will be saved under the category “User” and will be saved in vst3 preset format (.vstpreset) by default into the standard VST3 Presets folder where also VST3 presets will be saved by default (C:\Users\Username\Documents\VST3 Presets\Mastrcode Music\T-Force Trance Gate 2 x64).
Even if it is a VST2 plugin, it can save/load VST3 presets and VST3 banks to make them compatible to the later coming VST3 version. But you also can save them as fxp/fxb preset/bank files and also as XML presets and banks.

Presets/Banks in fxp/fxb/vstpreset format of the 64 bit version are not compatible to the 32 bit version.
But you can save them as 64 bit XML presets/banks which then also the 32 bit version can load. XML presets/banks are cross compatible to both, 32 bit and 64 bit version.
Mastrcode Music