Mikerodd releases open source synthesizer June-21

June-21 can read and play Juno 1 / 2 MKS-50 presets. The emulator includes Juno 2 factory tones : “Preset” and “Memory”. You can also find many presets here, you can test them with June-21 ! It’s still a work in progress, so not all presets will work as in the real gear, some presets might not be working.

The text and schematics are partly inspired by the original Juno-2 documentation. The look of the GUI is obviously inspired by the Roland PG-300. June-21 is still in development and is not a perfect emulator, so some tones can be far from the real thing and some won’t work (but some can be very accurate and pleasing!). As of now some things are not implemented.

– Portamento, chord memory, octave transpose : not done yet
– Aftertouch : won’t be done (at least by me) as my own Juno-2’s aftertouch is not working. You can also look at the current issues

June-21 is an open source VST plugin emulation of the Roland Alpha Juno syntheziser series.
