The Pun – Free Pultec-style, germanium-based EQ and preamp by Acustica Audio

Free Pultec-style, germanium-based EQ and preamp.

As per our tradition, each year on April 1st we like to surprise our faithful users with a nice release when everybody else usually likes to joke. This year is no exception, and since we are all mixing and making music from home, an extra tool can make the difference, especially when it oozes character and mojo and, most importantly, when it’s completely free!

So, in a world of vintage ‘Purple-style’ units (well, if we just consider the AA world), the time has come to give you a real ‘Punisher’, a vigilante that specializes in characterful clean-ups in the digital domain. Meet Coffee The PUn, a FREE plugin resolver with a big sound and aggressive character, but who can also treat your source with respect, awaking its inner potential.

Happy – and safe – mixing!

Acustica Audio – The Pun