W. A. Production released Mutant Reverb (70% discount)

W. A. Production released Mutant Reverb, a mono-to-stereo reverb plugin with a built-in ducker; perfect for vocals, percussion, synths and many other applications where you need precise control of reverb tails. Adding reverb to sounds gives warmth, character and places the sound in a real-world space. However, big problems arise when a reverb tail masks the clarity of the original signal, resulting in a muddy and undefined sound. Mutant Reverb is the solution, in just a couple of clicks you can duck the reverb processing out of the way of the original audio without any complicated side-chain or compression routing. Just plug and play.

MUTANT Reverb - Vocal Reverb Plugin With a Built-in Ducker (VST / AU / AAX)

Price: USD 11.70 $

More info here: W. A. Production | Mutant Reverb