Deal: 75% off Type B by AudioThing

“Type B” is a plugin inspired by a famous vintage exciter effect.

Easily Add Vintage Presence & Brightness To Vocals & Instruments!
“Type B” is a plugin inspired by a famous vintage exciter effect that has been designed to enhance your tracks by:
Adding Presence or Air
Increasing Clarity
Producing Lo-fi degraded sounds
Reducing the Bass or ‘Boom’ of a sound.
Well suited to a variety of musical styles, “Type B” is particularly good on Vocals and Drum Loops.

[pricing_table columns=”3″]
[pricing_table_column title=”Original price:” price=€59]
[pricing_table_column featured=”true” title=”Your deal price:” price=€15]
[pricing_table_column title=”You will save:” price= €44 (75%)]
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