Deal: Space Strip by Audiothing 84% off

“Space Strip” is a multi-effect plugin featuring 6 modules: Contour, Vibe, Slapback, Ambience, Ensemble, and Stereo.

What is “Space Strip”?

Space Strip comes with 6 highly creative effects modules that will help add depth and movement to your mixes:

  • Contour
  • Vibe
  • Slapback
  • Ambience
  • Ensemble
  • Stereo

When used in combination, the different modules within Space Strip are capable of producing a wide range of sounds from subtle depth and stereo to tremelo and echo/reverb type effects.

6 Unique Modules, Endless Mixing Possibilities!

Each of the six modules can be freely rearranged in the plugin interface to suit your own personal workflow needs, and each module bringing it’s own special attributes designed to enhance your mixes:


This is a 2 band EQ which has a high and a low control to boost high and/or low frequencies up to 12dB. It’s very useful for a quick EQ adjustment.


This is a stereo vibrato effect with controls for depth, rate and stereo spread. This produces a subtle to more pronounced tremelo effect.


This is a short echo module with controls for level (gain), delay (30ms to 300ms) and stereo spread with settings for mono, stereo or wide.


This is a short reverb effect with controls for level, size (tail duration) and damping. This can produce subtle to small room type reverb effects.


This is a multi-voices chorus effect with controls for amount, depth (volume of detuning voices) and stereo spread. Again it can produce anything from a quite subtle effect to a more pronounced one.


This is a stereo related module with controls for side level (gain for more stereo width) and mono bass (keeps low frequencies below this value mono).

Each knob contained in a module can be locked or unlocked by right clicking on the mouse. By locking it, it prevents changes being made to the affected module when using the Randomizer feature.


This feature can randomize all the parameters on the interface at once. This is a quick way to find the result you are looking for. This random result can then be tweaked as needed.

In addition, there are 15 pre-defined presets that one can choose from and you can save or delete your own presets for later use. There is also a built-in Soft Clip Limiter that can be enabled or disabled as needed.

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[pricing_table_column title=”Original price:” price=€55]
[pricing_table_column featured=”true” title=”Your deal price:” price=€9]
[pricing_table_column title=”You will save:” price= €46 (84%)]

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