4. February 2021 | Developers | Carl
Talk-Zone #76 Interview with Sounds of Revolution

Welcome Oliver to this interview. You are associated with two labels: Sounds of Revolution (SOR) and Resonance Sound. Just say a few words about it.
When I was about 18 years old, I came into contact with the music of Jean Michel Jarre by chance. Since then I have been enthusiastic about electronic music in all its facets. Since I wanted to create my own sounds, I founded Sounds of Revolution a good 25 years ago. Since then I have been releasing synth patches and sample packs for electronic music under this name.
10 years ago I founded Resonance Sound with my colleague Martin (CFA Sound). We also sell our own labels as well as some selected artists to our worldwide distribution partners such as Loopmasters, PluginBoutique, ADSR, Producer Loops, Xfer Records, Crypton etc.

You recently relaunched your "Resonance Sound" page. What did you change?
Basically we changed everything and introduced a lot of new functions. In addition to customer accounts through which the customer can independently download products that have already been purchased, customers now receive 10% reward points for each purchase, which they can use for subsequent purchases. We also have many exclusive offers, a blog, giveaways, free downloads, a help center and much more. So far we have also used ShareIt for payment. But to be more flexible, we offer PayPal and credit card payments directly through our own shop system now. If necessary, we can respond to customer requests / problems much faster, as we are basically available 24/7, i.e. also on weekends. We simply love what we do :-)
How did the collaboration with D16 / Punchbox come about?
We had the idea to create a kick drum synth that, in addition to the typical kick modules that everyone knows (Roland TR909, TR808, TR606) and a sine, also includes hq samples in combination with tailor-made effects. Since we are Germans ourselves, we offered the concept to a well-known German audio company, who rejected it with the words "there is no market for it". Today we are very grateful for this misjudgment, because this was the only way to achieve a fantastic cooperation with D16 Group. Punchbox is now one of the best known and most successful kick drum synths on the market. We are currently working flat out on V2 with many new features.
What sets your products apart from other companies?
It's important to me that a sample doesn't just sound like a triggered synthesizer. So I work a lot with layering and field recordings to give my samples that certain something. I also often connect very complex effects chains to get the desired result. I love to experiment in all imaginable directions. That’s hopefully remarkable in all my productions and defines SOR.

How do you go about creating the samples? Is there a certain routine?
Exactly that is deliberately not available. I avoid any form of routine because I am of the opinion that routine or the same approach / procedures are poison for creativity when it comes to sound design. I therefore always take a different approach and consciously avoid working with templates. My samples sound very varied because the way to the goal is always different.
You introduced a blog on Sounds of Revolution. How did that happen ?
I have been asked a lot of times how I work or which tools I prefer to use. So it made sense to go into more detail about it in a blog. Somehow since then writing has also become a little passion of mine.
Has Corona changed your output?
Absolutely! To be involved in my kids' homeschooling almost overnight was a massive change. But as bad as Corona is, for me this pandemic also has a positive aspect: the slowing down! Because normal life is currently so limited, you don't have many options outside or on the weekends (I love to party!), I can concentrate better on the programming. Since Corona I have actually been more creative and more than ever when it comes to sound design. Still, of course, I also hope that the Corona madness will soon come to an end and that we can all return to our normal lives.
How do you see the current situation for the artists?
The pandemic has forced many musicians to be stuck at home. In my opinion, the difficult situation of the artists receives far too little attention. There is hardly any help in many artistic areas. The situation is extremely dramatic, especially for musicians / producers / DJs. Many musicians have to look elsewhere in their careers. It's crazy because what would our life be without music?
Have your sales changed due to Corona?
Interesting that you asked that. Of course, we were also concerned with the topic from the start. Fortunately, we cannot say that our numbers have deteriorated dramatically. We assume that many artists now spend more time in the studio than before Corona, due to the elimination of performances / bookings etc. That should be the reason why our sales are currently still relatively stable.
How can an artist release products under Resonance Sound?
By simply applying with a very good product using the contact form:
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Quality is very important to us. We would never release a product that we are not 100% convinced of. The labels such as Aiyn Zahev Sounds or Audio Boutique, which we have under contract for many years, consistently deliver a very high quality sound. This is very important to us - of course also for new artists.
What are your favorite plug-ins?
Ah, there are so many and my fav tools are always changing. I love to test all kinds of plug-ins and, of course, to use them whenever possible. I've installed hundreds on my hard drive, and the number is increasing every month. Yes, it's actually crazy, but I can't have enough plugins.
I am a big fan of Izotope myself. Neoverb, Stutter Edit, Neutron and Ozone are just awesome. But I also find the entire range of products from D16 Group, Fabfilter and Zynaptiq breathtaking. You can read details in my blog:
What advice do you have for budding sound designers?
Always try to have your own sonic signature. Let fortune be a part of your creativity and use tools in a way they normally should not be used. Never stop learning!