29. November 2012 | music news tv | Noizefield

Free Kontakt Instrument: Jasper Blunk – Maestoso 18 Violins Ensemble

Jasper Blunk released Maestoso 18 Violins Ensemble, a free 18 violins ensamble instrument for NI Kontakt.


“Eighteen violins, recorded in traditional seating position (towards the left).

Range: G3-G5

Maestoso 18 Violins Ensemble is a very simple one-patch library which contains two articulations: medium sustain and short sustain. Medium sustain lasts about five seconds, and short sustains lasts about 1.5-2 seconds. One can switch between medium sustain, short sustain, and stacked (both sustains playing at once) through the interface and/or keyswitches.

The patch is one dynamic (F) with the mod wheel controlling volume and a touch of lo-pass filter. Legato can be switched on or off. There are four mic positions: close (stereo), decca, outrigger, and balcony – respectively. There’s a panning knob for the close mic position, and if you hit the little dot above the blue purge button, it will turn on a high frequency EQ boost (for the close mic position). Turn on the Kontakt Info section so you can hover over the faders and controls, if you are wondering what things do. ”

More info and download here: http://jasperblunk.com/things_for_composers.html

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