1. December 2016 | Free Software | Carl

Audified spends amp Multicabinet plugin for free


The software developers of Audified have decided to spend their plugin Multicabinet for free till the 5th December 2016. Multicabinet is a plugin for PC and Mac and contains a selection of 12 most famous cabinets that can be miked with selection of 8 microphones.

„Every band, every song and sometimes every song verse need slightly different sound. With MultiCabinet you can switch between different character cabs during a single song, multiply their sounds, combine.
Do whatever your creativity allows you. Each microphone has individual model selection, angle, pan and level controls. The controls in the Cabinet view are shared by both microphones to avoid overlapping of images.“

Get it now here for free before you need to pay the regular price of $19 again:
Audified – Multicabinet for free

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