21. March 2023 | Free Software | Noizefield
Intermorphic released Wotja 23 Generative Music System

Intermorphic Ltd released Wotja 23, the latest major version of this powerful & free Generative Music System for iOS®, iPadOS®, macOS®, tvOS®, Windows®, Android®, Fire OS® and watchOS®.
Use Wotja ( “watch-ah” [alt “wot-yah”; Siri “woa-chah”]) to CREATE beautiful ambient music, MIDI, text & ideas, to EXPERIMENT, or to RELAX with 1-tap ‘flows’. It’s also an AU3/VST Host App/Plug-in. Go ‘Pro’ to do the max.
Major new additions include a WAE Sampler Player Unit, mix-embedding of audio files, 2/4-pole Filter options, LFO Euclidian, more included Templates & content, Schemas, reworked UI and a new one-off purchase Wotja 23 ‘Pro’ Unlock that finally allows Wotja 23 to be a single free app bundle per OS platform.
The top level list of new features, capabilities and improvements at time of release includes:
- WAE Sample Player Unit: New modulatable & polyphonic Tone Generator (TG) unit that plays Ogg and (generative) Template file data (Templates are “cooked” in memory to audio before use); it has support for (MIDI & Controller) pitch shifting, direction reverse and several loop/play modes as well as an optional built-in envelope.
- WAE Filter Unit: New 2-pole and 4-pole Filter Types.
- WAE LFO Unit: New Euclidian LFO Type: Euclidian for modulation with euclidian patterns.
- WAE R2XL FX Unit: 10 new ‘go to’ ABC Reverb Presets (also included as ABC Reverb FX Presets).
- Mix files: Sample Player source data (loaded via the WAE Sample Player Unit) can be saved to the mix file for sharing of completely self contained and unique-sounding mixes.
- Schemas (formerly called Randomization Presets): Now edited in the Schema Editor, accessed from Schemas screen > Schema Actions Button.
- Documents Screen: Schemas screen where non-included Schemas have thumbnails generated from colours in the Schema.
- Documents Screen: New Recordings Screen to make it easy to find/play your Wotja folder (saved) recordings.
- Documents Screen: New List view and faster loading of mix files.
- Add File: You can now edit the file name before saving a newly created file.
- Music Mode: Much improved and simplified Cell layout with badges and thumbnails, Track Mute/Solo highlighting, and new options to display a specific column in the Grid button menu.
- Music Mode: New “One Tap Trigger” Track Play Type for quick/easy playing of a cell and live performance.
- Music Mode: Template browser now supports Cell referencing of Audio (WAV, Ogg) and MIDI files directly from the Wotja Folder (they no longer have to be in Paks [zip files]).
- Recording: New auto and manual Ogg encoding (export a .WAV file to an .Ogg file for use in WAE Sample Player Unit).
- Included SF2: New “UK Woodland Birds” with many awesome samples for use in the WAE Wavetable unit.
- Included Templates: New “WJ23 Drones”, “WJ23 Basses”, “WJ23 Classic Polysynth”, “WJ23 Environments” and “Sample Player Resources” Paks which include many awesome Templates and Ogg samples.
- Schemas: Two new settings Environment Cells and Drone Cells settings to control how many Cells are populated with the related Templates.
- Included Schemas: New “Environments 1” and “Drones 2” (subject to change).
- Filetype extensions: Changed to be .wotja_tp (Template), .wotja_al (Album), .wotja_ls (Playlist),.wotja_sc (Schema), .wotja_sy (Synth Preset) and .wotja_fx (FX Preset).
- “V23 Play me!” mix: Shows some of the new templates and capabilities in action.
- Rationalised App Range: We’ve moved to just one Wotja 23 App (Bundle) per year per OS platform; for those that want it, a new ’23’ One Time Buy (OTB) In-App Purchase option is the functional equivalent of getting a paid-for Pro variant in previous years.
More info and free download here: Intermorphic | Wotja 23 Generative Music System