28. April 2022 | Hardware | Noizefield

Mystic Circuits released IDUM


Mystic Circuits released IDUM, a gate processing effect that turns its input effortlessly into IDM. Making complex electronic music with the modular usually requires meticulous sequencing done in advance or a large ecosystem of modules. Unfortunately, the level of expertise needed to accomplish this is not accessible to the average modular user. IDUM aims to make this process easier and put Intelligent Dance Music, also known as IDM, into the hands of people with average intelligence. IDUM does not require much knowledge to get immediate and compelling results; but with some extra familiarity, this module can enable innovative music making techniques. Instead of generating musical patterns on its own, IDUM acts like an effects processor for the sequences that run through it. For example, a filter or a delay allows the user to alter their sound by twisting the knobs or modulating the parameters. Similarly, IDUM manipulates the actual gates and sequences of connected modules, but with a level of playability normally inaccessible to a sequencer. IDUM can vary carefully crafted sequences or turn your music into an onslaught of controlled chaos. Its open source code and hardware based on the beginner friendly Arduino Nano Every encourage users to tweak their modules to taste or to add new features all while ensuring future improvements as IDUM makes its way into the wild.


More info here: Mystic Circuits | IDUM

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