27. November 2021 | News | Noizefield

Reverb Foundry released Tai Chi


Reverb Foundry released Tai Chi, a ensemble character reverb specialising in luscious chorused reverbs that are perfect for synth, guitar, electric piano and vocals.Featuring surgical multi-band reverb editing, rich chorusing and empowering control over fidelity and dynamics, Tai Chi has the flexibility and dexterity you need to give compositions a rich and energetic new dimension.

Rich Chorus

Tai Chi has a rich and luscious chorus. With scores of synchronised modulated reads distributed throughout the reverb it thickens synth and guitars beautifully whilst avoid the characteristic dragging sharp and flat in many heavily chorused reverbs of old. Of course if you want some heavy detuning or dissonant reverberant drifting we’ve got you covered, it is only a click away!

Subtle chorus can be dialled in to elevate and enrich virtually any source, or more extreme settings can create dramatic soundscapes that quickly diverge into a psychedelic aura.

Contoured Multiband Reverb

For reverb decay time shaping we always had to choose between the rigid precision sculpting of multi-band decays or the smoothly evolving roll-off of traditional contouring filters. With Tai Chi you can do both!

The result is a high amount of control over reverb evolution in time and frequency. Whether it’s for creative sound design or realistic space simulation – or a combination of the two – you’ll appreciate the power and versatility of Tai Chi.


Harness the power of dynamics! Ducking and compression allow you to improve the clarity and intelligibility of vocal phrases by keeping the reverb out of the way when it matters most and letting it flood in to fill the gaps when you need it.

Tai Chi lets you apply dynamics to the wet mix or just the reverb itself. This means the spatialisation provided by the reflection engine is never compromised even when extreme reverb ducking is called for.

Fidelity & Filtering

In a nod to reverbs of old that had very limited signal bandwidth and bit depth capability but a ton of vintage character, Tai Chi lets you degrade, crush and brick-wall your verb for classic grit and dirt. When combined with the density and diffusion controls which can conjure very sparse reverbs right the way up to contemporary high-density spaces it is possible to simulate a style of reverb from virtually any era with ease.

You can even apply degradation to different elements. Try fuzzing just the reflections with a low bit-rate early region or set the tail to sizzle away in an 8-bit griddle with reduced reverb loop bit depth processing. Finally apply low/high roll-off and shelve filters in the master equaliser to finesse an ear-catching space.

Innovative Design

Tai Chi is a modern take on the classic feedback delay network (FDN) algorithm. Innovative approaches to diffusion are employed to eliminate ringing whilst rapidly building density, and whilst many FDNs are fairly short with minimal modulation the Tai Chi design uses many more and much longer delay lines than is typical. This means much greater dissipation within the reverb structures and many more opportunities to apply deep structural modulations in multiple styles (i.e. glide chorusing, spin/wander, and FDN recirculation modulation).

This results in a luscious reverberation with highly effective modulations that interweave with the sources, providing a sound design workflow rarely found in any reverb.

Intro: $99.00
Regular: $199.00

More info here: Reverb Foundry | Tai Chi

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