22. March 2022 | Deals | Noizefield

Deal Modular Chaos Engine#2.1 by Sound Dust at Pulse Audio


Sound Dust Modular Chaos Engine#2.1 – Evolved deal at Pulse Audio with a great discount!

Modular Chaos Engine #2.1 is an analogue chaotic drum machine for a chaotic analogue world

This machine is based on the strange and rather wonderful analogue/digital masterpiece that is Dave Smiths’ Evolver – it takes hundreds of sounds from this beast and moulds them into a highly interactive and serendipitous ‘drum’ device that can help you quickly create new and unexpected beats, breaks and rhythms that you just didn’t know you had in you.

Deal: $ 19.00
Regular: $ 27.00

Deal available here: Pulse Audio | Modular Chaos Engine#2.1 – Evolved

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